Category: Health

Covid-19 may also show up on the skin

Pustules, blisters, itchy spots: An infection with the new corona virus can also leave traces on the skin. Analyzes show which symptoms can indicate Covid-19. Although the novel  corona virus  has been spreading rapidly around the world for many months, there are still many unknown factors relating to the pathogen. This also applies to […]

Researchers find approach to corona drug

It is still not fully understood how the coronavirus infects human cells and uses them to multiply. Frankfurt researchers examined this in more detail – and also found possible therapeutic approaches. Researchers at Goethe University Frankfurt have discovered a possible therapeutic approach against Covid-19 . In the laboratory, they analyzed how the pathogen SARS-CoV-2 changes human […]

Reduce stroke risk by 90%!

Reduce stroke risk by 90%!

Our experts give you five tips on how to significantly reduce the chances of stroke. The advice will seem familiar … It reads like the guideline for preventing a heart attack: the risk factors for a stroke are actually virtually the same. Large international studies all conclude that lifestyle is […]

Avoid sudden infant death!

Avoid sudden infant death!

Very healthy, and suddenly the baby is dead! SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) is a terrible tragedy, but it could be largely prevented by reducing known risks. In 1988 – before the advent of safe sleep campaigns – in Austria, 149 infants died from sudden infant death syndrome. Today, far […]

The picking for everyone close!

The picking for everyone close!

Many people are not adequately protected against infections such as measles or influenza. At the pharmacy, you can now have your vaccination card checked and informed. Just about every Austrian has one or two empty boxes in his vaccination record. These gaps should now be closed with the “vaccination check” […]

Errors about Alzheimer’s

Errors about Alzheimer's

There is still much uncertainty about the serious topic. Therefore, we correct some myths about this serious brain disease. So the patients do not die because they forget to breathe! Alzheimer’s is not a disease, but a symptom of ageing – a big mistake! Since modern imaging techniques make it […]

To avoid the 5 worst hair sins

To avoid the 5 worst hair sins

It is as if bewitched: one was only recently at the hairdresser and already the hair is dry and brittle again. Since the daily shampooing and rinsing helps nothing more. Haircare often means: less is more. We’ll show you what’s behind it. Especially after the summer, our hair is particularly […]

E-cigarettes: First death in the US

E-cigarettes: First death in the US

After the accumulation of dubious lung diseases as a result of the use of e-cigarettes, there is now the first death in the United States. On Thursday, the Illinois Department of Health reported the death of an adult male whose identity was not specified, who had previously used such a […]

How COPD weakens the lungs

How COPD weakens the lungs

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is permanent, incurable airway obstruction. Sufferers suffer from severe coughing attacks, shortness of breath and expectoration. The biggest risk factor is smoking. How COPD can be prevented and treated. Chronic inflammatory lung disease (COPD) is one of the most common diseases worldwide. In Germany, it […]

Hypertension and yoga: These exercises are dangerous

Hypertension and yoga: These exercises are dangerous

Yoga can lower blood pressure – as numerous studies have shown. But not all variants of health sports are suitable for hypertensive patients. The German Heart Foundation clarifies. Especially people with hypertension need good relaxation techniques against the stress of everyday life. However, not everything that is generally recommended for […]

Blood thinners do not dilute blood

Blood thinners do not dilute blood

There is no thick blood, and blood thinners do not improve its fluidity. But how do the medicines protect against heart attacks and strokes? The term blood thinner is strictly speaking not quite right. Because the drugs have neither the task to dilute the blood, nor to improve the flow […]

Researchers fear “Tsunami of cancer”

Researchers fear "Tsunami of cancer"

The number of cancers will increase significantly – both in Germany and worldwide. The fear physicians. Especially poorer countries are struggling with the increase. Physicians from the German Cancer Research Center fear that there will be an increase in cancer in the future, especially in developing and emerging countries. “It’s […]

5 food tips for the summer

5 food tips for the summer

In summer, there are more important things than standing by the stove! So that you can enjoy the hot days culinary to the fullest and even lose a few pounds, we have a few tips for you. 1 SKYR-QUARK The traditional Icelandic dairy dish Skyr , for German Quark, is […]

The pounds tumble with these foods

Lose weight without starving – many dream about it. This can work with a high-fiber diet. The German Nutrition Society recommends eating 30 grams of fiber daily. Which foods provide the most fiber and how you get your daily ration of fiber. Fiber promotes good health Fiber is a vegetable […]

The best time for dinner

The best time for dinner

When and what is eaten in the evening has great influence on our body weight and our health. We tell you when, according to scientific studies, the best time for dinner is and which meals you should prefer. Nutritionists have long agreed that the time of dinner has an influence […]

What helps against inflamed joints

What helps against inflamed joints

Inflamed joints are a torment: If any movement hurts, sufferers seek desperate help. But how can the symptoms be alleviated and other treatment measures effectively supplemented? In addition to the use of painkillers and various doctor-prescribed therapies, there are a number of other recommendations that can help with inflammation in […]

WHO concerned about youth -Tempted online advertising to unhealthy behavior?

WHO concerned about youth -Tempted online advertising to unhealthy behavior?

Chat, follow celebrities, use social media: Children and adolescents are increasingly traveling online, being bombarded with advertisements that can endanger their health. The World Health Organization (WHO) warns against that. Governments needed better usage data to better regulate this advertising world to protect children, the WHO European Region said on […]

Recognizing stroke helps save lives

Recognizing stroke helps save lives

Hollywood in mourning: At 52 years on Monday, the US actor Luke Perry died of the consequences of a massive stroke. Worldwide, every seventh person dies for over 25 years from a circulatory disorder in the brain. Although there are many signs, the danger is often underestimated and not acted […]

Secure the windows now for your little kids!

Secure the windows now for your little kids!

Provide early spring protection with appropriate security measures to prevent falls of young children and thus avoid unnecessary suffering. As temperatures rise, the risk of children falling out of the lintel increases. Experts therefore strongly advise to take appropriate precautions these days. In addition, they appeal, the little ones never […]

When parents do not know what to do anymore

When parents do not know what to do anymore

They scream 14 hours a day, refuse to eat, scratch themselves bloody or sleep through the night: the little patients in the movie “Parents School” drive their parents to despair. A radical therapy promises improvement. The mother is obviously desperate. Pale, tired and angry, she sits on the couch. If […]

Why smart people are often bullish

Why smart people are often bullish

Again forget the house key, start the stove or forget the password? Sometimes memory leaves us in the lurch, whether old or young. If the dropouts occur only occasionally, that is no cause for concern. On the contrary, forgetfulness can even be a sign of intelligence, say Canadian researchers. But […]

These drugs are most often counterfeited

These drugs are most often counterfeited

Manipulated drugs are a million dollar business for counterfeiters. Which drugs are particularly popular with criminals – and how consumers should be protected. Counterfeiting of a drug for breathing problems, manipulation of a drug for hepatitis C viruses and stomach diseases, illegal Viagra potency pills, the customs authorities at the […]

Your health at risk on cruise ships?

Your health at risk on cruise ships?

The air is so polluted on cruise ships that it could endanger the health of its passengers and workers. This is the frightening finding of a study conducted clandestinely on these boats increasingly popular among tourists. Ryan Kennedy, a professor at the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health and author […]

New Hanuta packaging ensures Shitstorm

New Hanuta packaging ensures Shitstorm

Manufacturer Ferrero has changed the packaging of Hanuta and thus triggers a Shitstorm in the network. The reason for the annoyance of the customers is not the new design, but something completely different. New Hanuta packaging triggers Shitstorm Since 1959, the confectionery product Hanuta is available on the German market. […]

The three best recipes for low carb cookies

Cookies nibble without guilty conscience ? Thisis possiblewith these three delicious low carb recipes for vanilla kipper , coconut macaroons and cinnamon stars. What would be the pre-Christmas time without home- baked cookies ? All those who pay particular attention to their diet plan are now seduced by sinful treats from all sides. So that you can feast without a guilty conscience , here […]

The nine most important steps after a death

When a loved one dies, one does not at first think about the necessary bureaucratic formalities. Nevertheless, it is precisely the next relatives of a deceased who have numerous legal obligations immediately after his death. Survivors therefore have to deal with financial and insurance issues as soon as they die […]

If the sun’s vitamin is too short

Especially in autumn and winter, many suffer from vitamin D deficiency. This is not uncommon, as most of the important vitamin is absorbed by the sun. So what to do when the sun is not shining? Mostly, thanks to a healthy diet and a balanced lifestyle, you are always well […]

This is how you get rid of bad breath

Whether on the first date or job interview – the well-publicized appearanceincludes well-groomed teeth and a fresh breath. Halitosis is unpleasant and embarrassing for those affected. We show you which tips to help against bad breath .  Often known as halitosis, bad breath often goes unnoticed for a long time. Affected do not perceive the unpleasant smell itself. Others do not usually dare to address […]

The best home remedy for colds or injuries

These foods help with minor injuries and colds For some complaints or injuries, the domestic refrigerator can serve as a substitute for a pharmacy. It does not always have to be the same to go to the pharmacy if you have injured yourself or you are suffering from a cold . Sometimes that’s enough for what you […]

How to improve your posture

Good posture is important so you do not have problems and back pain – we’ll show you how to recognize bad posture and how to balance it How do you stand there? Crooked back, drooping shoulders, duck feet? Such bad postures do not have to be. The best exercises to […]

12 foods that you can still eat expired

Not every expired food must be thrown into the bin immediately. Many products you can eat even months later without hesitation. In which twelve foods you need not take the best before date, we tell you in our picture show. Are you also one of those people who immediately throw […]

Top 20 Water Parks — World

1. Siam Park Adeje, Spain 2. Waterbom Bali Kuta, Indonesia 3. Aquaventure Waterpark Dubai, United Arab Emirates 4. Disney’s Typhoon Lagoon Water Park Orlando, Florida 5. Beach Park Aquiraz, Brazil 6. Wild Wadi Water Park – TEMPORARILY CLOSED Dubai, United Arab Emirates 7. Disney’s Blizzard Beach Water Park Orlando, Florida […]

Scott Scale 2017

The Swiss firm completely renews two of the most representative models in its catalog, the Scott Scale and the Scott Spark, presenting for 2017 two new machines ready to become a benchmark of the XC / Marathon segment. The main news of the rigid? A new geometry with three different […]

Scott Spark 2017

The Scott Spark, one of the most sought-after XC / Marathon doubles by any Mountain Bike enthusiast, undergoes a thorough renovation for the 2017 season. Designed under the watchful eye (and needs) of World Champion Nino Schurter, the Spark of 2017 Arrives loaded with news on its wheels. The main […]

Mondraker Podium 2017

The Spanish firm has presented the new version of the Podium, one of its most charismatic rigid models. This model has been renewed, leaving behind sections of super large tubes to make way for a more stylized and elegant lines, which is able to increase the comfort, thanks to a […]

Focus O1E 2017

After having been tested (and refined) in the UCI XCO World Cup at the controls of Florian Vogel, the new Focus O1E of 2017 is presented in partnership. In its next catalog, the German company releases a 29-inch double-suspension model for the XC segment which, among other things, features a […]

Top 10 of the good purposes for Teeth 2017

Let’s get a healthier smile One of the most magical nights of the year is approaching for children and adults: it is the night of desires. Do you know what we mean? … The last day of the year comes with good intentions, filling us with positive energy to embrace […]


Among the premieres at the LA Auto Show 2016 (18 to 27 November) include the Alfa Romeo Stelvio, the VW Atlas and Atuvs Lucid engine. We show all the novelties in the City of Angels! [cycloneslider id=”la-auto-show”] 50 NEW CARS COMING TO LA AUTO SHOW 2016 General Motors will present […]

Top 10 The best selling cars in the US

In the US, around 8.64 million cars were sold in the 1st half 2016th We show the 10 favorite cars of the Americans. At the top: big pickups and lots of Japanese. Who is searching in the Top 50 in the US registrations for models German carmaker, is very quickly […]