Day: August 7, 2018


A business man got on an elevator. When he entered, there was a blonde already inside who greeted him with a bright,    “T-G-I-F.” He smiled at her and replied, “S-H-I-T.” She looked puzzled and repeated, “T-G-I-F,” more slowly. He again answered, “S-H-I-T.” The blonde was trying to keep it […]

The most fantastic mountains in Europe

From snowy slopes on Spitsbergen to the golden glowing Matterhorn – the photographer Johan Lolos has found the most beautiful mountains on a road trip through 17 countries. If a photo makes you want to go to the place where it was created, then everything is fine. The Belgian Johan […]



Two parents take their son on a vacation to a nude beach. The father goes for a walk on the beach and the son goes and plays in the water. The son comes running up to his mom and says. ..”Mommy, I saw ladies with boobies a lot bigger than […]