Day: July 26, 2018

Facebook opens innovation platform in China

Facebook has opened an innovation platform in China , although the social network in the Middle Kingdom is being blocked by censorship. Beijing (dpa) – With an investment of $ 30 million, Facebook registeredfor a company in the eastern Chinese city of Hangzhou , which is also the hometown of […]

This is the new dating trend “Freckling”

Fancy a relaxed summer romance , where men or women know in advance how long it will take? That’s exactly what happens with “Freckling”! Laid-back, airy, light – that’s how many people like the summer and they also want an entertaining summer romance . Anyone who is on the road […]

How to improve your posture

Good posture is important so you do not have problems and back pain – we’ll show you how to recognize bad posture and how to balance it How do you stand there? Crooked back, drooping shoulders, duck feet? Such bad postures do not have to be. The best exercises to […]