Day: May 15, 2020

Covid-19 may also show up on the skin

Pustules, blisters, itchy spots: An infection with the new corona virus can also leave traces on the skin. Analyzes show which symptoms can indicate Covid-19. Although the novel  corona virus  has been spreading rapidly around the world for many months, there are still many unknown factors relating to the pathogen. This also applies to […]

Researchers find approach to corona drug

It is still not fully understood how the coronavirus infects human cells and uses them to multiply. Frankfurt researchers examined this in more detail – and also found possible therapeutic approaches. Researchers at Goethe University Frankfurt have discovered a possible therapeutic approach against Covid-19 . In the laboratory, they analyzed how the pathogen SARS-CoV-2 changes human […]

Trump extends the Huawei ban

Huawei must continue to do without Google services for its smartphones: US President Donald Trump has extended the trading ban by another year.  US President Donald Trump effectively bans business with Chinese network suppliers Huawei and ZTE for another year . He renewed a decree signed in May 2019, proclaiming a national emergency, and banning business between U.S. […]

YouTube is considered the main source of corona false information

A poll showed that most Corona hoaxes are consumed on YouTube. A hint button should now redirect to trusted sites. But the benefits are controversial. People record most of the misinformation about the  corona virus through the YouTube video platform . The research network “Correctiv” found this out on the basis of 1,800 references to possible false information. Almost 46 […]

Your smartphone camera can do more than take photos

Identify unknown plants, scan documents and translate foreign language signs: With the intelligent camera software Google Lens, the smartphone lens turns into a practical all-purpose weapon for everyday life. We explain how to do it.  The camera software  Google  Lens was introduced in 2017 and has since found its way onto more and […]

Trump threatens Beijing to cut ties completely

The US is increasing pressure on China. In the corona pandemic, US President Donald Trump is now openly threatening to cut ties. He would rather not talk to the Chinese president at the moment. US-President Donald Trump has tightened the tone in the dispute with China over the handling of the coronavirus […]