Day: September 28, 2018

This is how you get rid of bad breath

Whether on the first date or job interview – the well-publicized appearanceincludes well-groomed teeth and a fresh breath. Halitosis is unpleasant and embarrassing for those affected. We show you which tips to help against bad breath .  Often known as halitosis, bad breath often goes unnoticed for a long time. Affected do not perceive the unpleasant smell itself. Others do not usually dare to address […]

Mercedes-AMG ONE

AMG has announced the name of Project One. The electric supercar is called ” Mercedes-AMG ONE”. All 275 copies have already been sold, however, AMG provides the contracts with certain clauses to protect the Hypercar from speculators. contractual clauses Engine technology from Formula 1 performance The drive concept Cockpit in […]