That’s why he does not like Kate’s style

Millions of women around the world copy the look of Duchess Kate. But just a real fashion expert is not a fan of the royal style icon: Guido Maria Kretschmer. What does not like him about the wife of Prince William and crowned Beauty is its fashion queen, revealed the star designer now in exclusive interview.

What she wears is quickly sold out worldwide as millions of women are copying her outfits. All the more surprising that the look of Duchess Kate (33) with fashion expert Guido Maria Kretschmer (50) is not always well received. “It’s sometimes a bit too bold for me, especially when it’s extremely well-behaved,” he says in an interview with at the presentation of his plus-size collection for Heine and explains, “you just get too many styles from her and very consciously those British looks. “But despite all the criticism, the star designer must admit,” of course she looks gorgeous in the clothes and is definitely a style icon. “

His personal fashion queen, however, is a different one: “I’m a big Letizia fan,” he admits. The beautiful Spaniard had long awakened the attention of the 50-year-old before she conquered the heart of the then crown prince. “You can almost say, I grew up with her. I studied in Spain. Since I already knew her as a presenter and always loved her. “What he likes about the queen:” She has her own style, she is very thin and very smart. I really like this look, “he enthuses and notes,” for me she is the most beautiful in the Spanish royal family. “

But not only Felipe’s wife provides the “shopping queen” maker enthusiasm. “I’m also a big Mary fan,” he admits, explaining what he likes about the Danish Crown Princess. “She has retained her naturalness and still has grace. You just feel that she comes from another part of the world and she always wears great Danish designers and that’s great for her. “

And another commoner has taken Guido’s fashion heart by storm: “Máxima is more Dutch than any other in this country and that although it comes from South America. She also has a very special style. “

Great praise from the master also for the queen of the Netherlands. However, the chic wife of Willem-Alexander does not approach “his” Letizia: “She is and will remain my darling.”