Big disappointment: her second child also comes by caesarean section

While Isabell Horn is eagerly awaiting her second child, she is now facing a great disappointment. Because her son will have to come by caesarean section on the world.

The birth of daughter Ella two years ago turned out to be the purest drama for Isabell Horn , 35 years old . The actress was in labor for 22 hours before her child had to be brought into the world by emergency caesarean section. For the 35-year-old, the memory of the hours in the delivery room is still traumatic. That the doctors now told her that her second child, a boy, must be born by caesarean section, is a bitter disappointment for Isabell. Especially with regard to the fact that family planning at Isa and her boyfriend Jens has been largely completed .

Isabell Horn had hoped for a natural birth

“I really wanted so much a natural birth because it’s most likely the last time I’m allowed to witness it,” mourns Isabell Horn in a video interview with RTL. She would have liked to experience the magic of a natural birth herself, but it will not come to that. As her doctors now told her, many factors speak against it.

Baby is upside down

Why does Isabell Horn have to have her second baby by caesarean section? “The little man has still not turned,” reveals the ex-GZSZ actress. Although it is quite possible today to give birth to a child in the so-called breech situation, but this is simply not feasible with Isabells medical history. “A breech birth is not advisable under the prerequisites that I bring,” explains the born Bielefeld teacher.

Anticipation is huge

Despite the harsh setback, the joy of baby number two with Isabell and her boyfriend Jens Ackermann is huge. “Now we are simply happy, because it will soon be so far,” said the early double mom to RTL.