At the opera gala she came in male accompaniment

Luna Schweiger has been in love again since last year. The daughter of Til Schweiger now came to the opera gala for the German AIDS Foundation in Berlin, accompanied by an attractive young gentleman.

Luna Schweiger , 22, did not come alone to the opera gala for the German AIDS Foundation last Saturday (November 2) in Berlin. Pictures of the party show that the actress was accompanied by a pretty attractive young gentleman.

This detail almost slipped. On the red carpet Luna was posing alone or with her fellow actors Gizem Emre , 24, and Nadine Warmuth , 37. Is it possibly Luna’s new boyfriend, whom she wants to keep out of the public?

This detail almost slipped. On the red carpet Luna was posing alone or with her fellow actors Gizem Emre , 24, and Nadine Warmuth , 37. Is it possibly Luna’s new boyfriend, whom she wants to keep out of the public?

Luna Schweiger confirms new love

It seems so. Because already in August 2018 Luna published a photo on Instagram, where she lies in the arms of a man and holds his hand. A black bar is placed on the man’s eyes.

The identity of her new friend also wanted to reveal Luna even at the Oktoberfest one and a half months ago. Compared to GALA confirmed the daughter of Til Schweiger , 55, Although, after ex-boyfriend Marvin again happy to be in love , who it is exactly, but she did not want to say.

Her parents are convinced

Very important for Luna: Even her parents are convinced of her new friend, as Luna told GALA. Til even commented on Luna’s anonymous love outing on Instagram, calling the unknown man next to Luna “handsome” in spite of the black bars.