Why the Porsche Taycan also causes ridicule

Porsche sets a bold exclamation point with the Taycan and opposes the sporty sedans of Tesla a technically superior four-door. The model designation, however, makes mockery among car fans.

An electrical system with 800 volts, up to 560 kW / 761 hp, 1050 Nm torque – that’s a decent pound, as they say in Germany. In addition, the Taycan can not only deliver its top performance for a short time like a Tesla, but also durable. During test drives with journalists, a specimen accelerated more than 20 times in succession from 0 to 200 km / h, and no attempt was more than ten seconds. Incidentally, the 0-100 value is given as 2.8 seconds.

In addition, the Porsche is extremely elegant, well made and gorgeous in the interior.

Why the Porsche Taycan also causes ridicule

And then you look at the rear and see something that equals an exhaust dummy: There is “Taycan Turbo S”! In all seriousness! Yes, we used to stick a turbo sign on our car even though there was no turbocharger in it. But it could have been, after all, an internal combustion engine was under the hood. But, please, what should “turbo” on an electric car? And even if it was so sporty. Sure, we understand: Since the 911er all engines are turbocharged, so are the non-turbos Turbos, “Turbo” is just a model name. Such as Audi “50 TDI” or BMW “M 50d”.

But turbo has a meaning, and therefore the lettering on an electric car is out of place as exhaust dummies. As a reminder: A turbocharger is driven by the exhaust gas of an internal combustion engine and increases its performance or efficiency.

Less conspicuous is the second nomenclatural faux pas. Of course you should pronounce it “Taikan”, analogous to the Macan. However, the name comes from Turkish and should therefore be spoken “Taichan”. Why? The name Taycan is made up of the terms “tay” and “can”. Tay means foal, Can stands for soul, life, alive, lively. So Taycan would be a lively foal. So far, so good, if you could not pronounce Chan.

All that is missing now is a sound generator that mimics the sound of an internal combustion engine. As Porsche Taycan Diesel?