White House blocks investigation against Trump

The White House refuses any cooperation with the US House of Representatives in the investigation into President Donald Trump in the Ukraine affair. This was what the White House wrote in an eight-page letter to the Congress Chamber published on Tuesday evening (local time) in Washington.

The preliminary determinations of the Democrats for a possible impeachment trial against Trump are politically motivated alone, lacked any constitutional basis and would have the sole aim of overturning the outcome of the presidential election in 2016, said the government headquarters in an opinion. For these reasons, the government can not and will not participate in this partisan “political theater”.

Hearing of EU Ambassador blocked

The White House announced a general blockade against all possible demands for documents and testimonies from the Congress. Previously, the Trump government had blocked the statement of a top diplomat in the Ukraine affair. US Ambassador to the EU, Gordon Sondland, was summoned to Congress for a hearing on Tuesday, but did not appear. Trump defended the decision on Twitter: he would like to send Sondland, but this would testify before a “completely corrupt court” that would have taken away the rights of the Republicans and where true facts are not accessible to the public. The Democrats reacted with sharp criticism. They now want to force a statement from southern Italy with a threat of punishment.

White House blocks investigation against Trump

Illegal ” action Sondland is a “central witness” in the investigation of the allegations against Trump, said the chairman of the Intelligence Committee in the US House of Representatives, the Democrat Adam Schiff. The State Department also withheld text messages or e-mails from the UK. The refusal of the testimony and the documents would be considered “further strong proof for the obstruction of the constitutional tasks of the congress”. Trump accuses the vessel of being biased and has repeatedly demanded his resignation. Democratic House Chair Nancy Pelosi said on Tuesday that there was an “illegal attempt” to keep the truth under wraps.

Democrats in the House of Representatives are investigating possible impeachment of the Republican president . Trump is accused of abusing the power of his office for a foreign government to interfere in his election campaign. Schiff criticized, Trump and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo prevented the congressmen to research the facts that are necessary for the protection of national security.

White House blocks investigation against Trump

Trump demanded Ukraine Biden investigation

Trump had encouraged Ukrainian President Volodymyr Selenskyj in a phone call in late July to investigate Joe Biden and his son Hunter . Biden is applying for the presidential candidacy of the Democrats in the 2020 election, to which Trump also competes. The content of the conversation with Selenskyj came to the public after an anonymous intelligence officer filed a complaint with an internal control panel. According to the Democrats, Trump temporarily used blocked military aid as a means of pressure.