Sony calls PlayStation 5 sales launch

The Playstation 4 has been on the market for a good five years. As manufacturer Sony announces now, the successor model at the end of next year in the trade. Also comment on the innovations of the game console, the Japanese.

Electronics Group Sony plans to release the Playstation 5, the next-generation video game console, by the end of next year. The Playstation 5 is due to come out on time for the Christmas business of 2020 – so that Sony’s most profitable business is subjected to a tough competitive test. Sony did not want to mention a price for the console.

Sony had already revealed that the Playstation 5 could be expected in the coming year but had not mentioned any further details. Competitors Microsoft has already announced that the next-generation Xbox game console, codenamed Project Scarlett, will be on the market by the end of 2020.

The Sony Playstation 5 will have enhanced graphics, including ray-tracing – a data-intensive technology that can realistically simulate how light encounters and reflects objects in a fast-moving scene. It will also have a component that allows games to be uploaded quickly, as well as a console control feature that makes it vibrate or shake in response to scenes in the game.

“You really feel a wider range of feedback, so the impact on a wall in a race car feels very different from an attack on the football field,” writes Sony Playstation CEO Jim Ryan in a blog. With Playstation 4, the gaming and networking business contributed more than $ 20 billion to Sony’s revenue and nearly $ 3 billion to operating profit in the fiscal year.