pure disappointment! This dream did not come true

No situation is too extreme for Joey Kelly. Whether ultra-marathon (100 kilometers) or Ironman, Joey is right at the start. But just this dream that he had left, has now burst.

In an interview with the “Mittelbayerische Zeitung” Joey Kelly (46) told 2018 that he would like to take part in the North Pole Marathon at some point. 42.195 kilometers through freezing cold – for years more and more people are participating in this spectacle. In 2018, 62 participants started. Joey Kelly’s dream was to come true this year. At the side of teen son Luke (17) he wanted to go to the start. But the dream burst …

Absolute extreme situation

At minus 30 degrees Celsius on ice. An absolute extreme task. For a Kelly a kinkerlitzchen. Although the cost of the Marathon in 2019 amounted to around 15,000 euros (including accommodation, flights and other services), the race was canceled. And the two Kelly men are very tired.

Deferred is not suspended

On Instagram, the extreme Kelly writes: “After several days of patience in Spitsbergen and multiple delays to the Pol, this year’s North Pole marathon was unfortunately canceled altogether for unexpected logistical reasons and no permission to fly, so we return to Germany after a few training sessions in Spitsbergen The decision was certainly not so easy for the organizers. For Joey and Luke, however, it is clear: the dream is far from over. In 2020, they will return to the Arctic. And this time they really want to compete. To beat it is a course record of 3 hours, 36 minutes and 10 seconds.