How romantic! First love holiday with his Delia in the snow paradise

“Goodbye Germany” star Chris Töpperwien enjoys his new love happiness and now shared sweet moments from the holiday with girlfriend Delia.

Only a few months after Chris Töpperwien (45) and his wife Magdalena “Magey” Kalley (31) announced their separation after four years together in the fall of 2018 , the ex-jungle camper made his new love official. In early February, he shared a picture on Instagram showing him holding hands with his girlfriend.

Love holiday in the snow

Meanwhile, it is known: The pretty blonde is called Delia, is 29 years old and comes from Munich. There she and Chris got to know each other, at the Oktoberfest. “We saw each other and understood each other immediately,” said Delia in an interview with RTL. Since then they spend every free minute together.

Whether it’s hearty feasting on the mountain pasture or a trip on a snowmobile, the two lovers want to share their happiness with the whole world. They also forge plans for the future . “Wedding next week, baby the day after tomorrow,” the Currywurstmann joked to RTL, but friend Delia quickly rowed back: “One step at a time I would say,” she laughed.