Trump to summit with Putin: «I’m not pro-Russian»

Because of basta. The aftermath of the memorable appearance of US President Trump at the Helsinki Summit with Kremlin chief Putin continues . First, Trump must publicly back row, then he lays down against a critic. And also Chancellor Merkel gets her fat away. Washington (AP) – US President Donald […]

BMW 5-series tuning

The BMW M5 is popular with customers and also with the tuners. By modified engine control tremendous performance leaps are possible. Speed ​​Buster now raises the bar to 747 hp. Chip Tuner Speed ​​Buster from Sinzig has programmed for the BMW M5 (F90) an additional control unit for the engine […]

Decrypt female tattoos

Many women who get a tattoo want to convey a message. Take a good look, because that will help you find out a lot about them – even the most intimate. Tattoos are always an offer for communication. If you notice a tattoo onthe first date or getting to know […]

12 foods that you can still eat expired

Not every expired food must be thrown into the bin immediately. Many products you can eat even months later without hesitation. In which twelve foods you need not take the best before date, we tell you in our picture show. Are you also one of those people who immediately throw […]