He always has her hair under control

Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan float on cloud nine in Morocco. During the journey, the Royal charms again with a sweet gesture

Duchess Meghan , 37, and Prince Harry , 34, are in the final stages of their three-day trip to Morocco. During the stay, the couple delights with sweet gestures: Meghan and Harry hold hands, give each other loving looks and laugh at each other. In a few months the Duchess will give birth to her first child. Reason enough for Harry to support his wife more in all things – even when it comes to her hair.

So touching he cares about Duchess Meghan

The 34-year-old always has his partner in view. The big journey before childbirth is also a strenuous undertaking for the expectant mother. He does not lose sight of Meghan as they explore Morocco’s capital Rabat on their last day together. The pair can be handcrafted by various merchants show merchandise, with Meghan’s eye falls on a long necklace that she wants to try on directly. As she pulls the jewel over her head, Harry automatically straightens her ponytail and gently strokes her back. A small gesture that says so much.

Prince Harry inspires Instagram

This is not the first time that the prince has acted as Meghan’s stylist. When the Duchess presented her cookbook last September, she was surprised by a gust of wind. Her husband reacted quickly and tried to bring the wild mane back into position. He gently placed his hands over her head and made the former actress shine with it. Instagram is touched by the gesture. It is raining many praising comments. “He loves Meghan so much!”, Notes a user.