TOP 10 social media marketing data for 2017

One more time, a crucial moment for marketers is coming: it’s time to put the finishing touches to social media marketing plans and budgets for the coming year (time flies by, right?).

To achieve your marketing goals in 2017, you need to know the latest data and market trends. Only then will you be able to anticipate the changes that are to come and design the strategies that will make you succeed. To give you a cable, today I’ll share with you the top 10 social marketing data for 2017.

1) Social media marketing grew 55% between 2014 and 2015

Social networks do not stop growing, and with them the budget destined to this type of strategies. According to AdAge data, by 2015, spending on social media marketing in the US UU. Reached 10.9 billion dollars, which represents almost 20% of the total for advertising.

2) Spending on social media ads will reach $ 14 billion in 2018

If there is a prediction we are sure of, it is that the use of networks will continue to grow and will be increasingly influential in the habits of consumers. For example, according to Marketing Sherpa, 46% of millennials rely on networks when it comes to buying online. And within this sector, ads on social networks offer an opportunity very interesting to address our ideal audience.

3) In 2016, the marketing investment in Instagram will be of 3200 million dollars

Within social media marketing, some networks have been trend in recent years. This is the case of Instagram, which is already the most important social network for one-third of American adolescents. So much so, that forecasts indicate that this year the network will attract $ 3,200 in profits.

4) 16% of the marketers will increase the use of Snapchat

Speaking of Fashion Networking, Snapchat is another big hits this year. Currently, only 5% of marketers have incorporated Snapchat into their social media marketing strategy, but 16% plan to increase their use and 28% want to learn more about this network, according to Social Media Examiner data.

5) 65% of marketers plan to increase use of Facebook and YouTube

And is that despite the evolution, the giants of social media are still more alive than ever. When it comes to thinking about upcoming social media plans, marketers continue to attach great importance to Facebook and YouTube.

6) 90% of marketers have seen a positive impact on their ROI with social networks

By now there is no doubt: social media marketing is a profitable investment. So much so, according to Social Media Examiner, 90% of marketers consider that their time in social networks is well invested.

Regarding the amount of time dedicated, almost 80% of the respondents stated that spending at least 6 hours per week in this type of marketing was positive in terms of traffic and brand awareness.

7) 70% of marketers use social media to improve brand loyalty

Studies have shown that brand loyal users attract more sales and more traffic. And social networks make it very easy to feed that loyalty with content. So it is not surprising that almost 70% of marketers use the networks to create a fan base and collect data on the market (according to Social Media Examiner).

8) Marketing tactics and engagement are the main concern of 90% of marketers

Within marketing in social networks, tactics and engagement are what most concern marketers. To meet these expectations, social media platforms seek to increase engagement by personalizing audiences.

9) 50% of the marketers will use the videos in real time in their strategies

Thanks to technological development, real-time video on social networks is here to stay. In fact, according to the Social Media Examiner, 1 in 2 marketers is considering incorporating it into their strategy.

10) 93% of marketers already use social media marketing (source: The Fast Company)

Do not stay behind in 2017 with your social media marketing strategy!