Top 10 of the good purposes for Teeth 2017

Let’s get a healthier smile

One of the most magical nights of the year is approaching for children and adults: it is the night of desires. Do you know what we mean? … The last day of the year comes with good intentions, filling us with positive energy to embrace 2017 with all the desire and optimism intact, yet to be released. And if you ask for a wish, it’s a new year and we ask for a more healthy smile!

For our wish is fulfilled, and not fall on deaf ears, today we bring you 10 tips to boast a healthy and careful smile throughout the year:

1. Brush teeth with a fluoride toothpaste, two to three times a day or after every meal.

* With the kit PHB oral hygiene care for oral health and perform three daily brushings will not be a problem at work, at school, in the gym, hiking, traveling …

2. Do not leave any uncleaned tooth surface during brushing, and always follow the same order; Making the brushing in a systematic way.

3. Use floss or interdental brushes daily to remove plaque that accumulates in the places not reached by the brush.

4. Complete oral hygiene with the use of mouthwashes adapted to every need. Recommended from the age of six years, provided the child is able to control the reflex swallowing.

5.Cambiar the toothbrush every three months or sooner if the filaments are worn, to ensure that brushing is effective.

6. Going to the dentist and dental hygienist regularly and conduct regular cleanings, you can prevent emerging diseases and detect them early.

7. Maintain a healthy diet that provides the body with the necessary nutrients to help prevent periodontal disease.

8. Reduce consumption of sweets (sugar) in the diet, especially between meals, as these favor the multiplication of bacteria in our mouth.

9. In the case of smokers use to d ect snuff and improve the health of the gums.

10. Take precautions to reduce daily stress , which will result in improved health at all levels.

In addition to following these 10 tips to maintain a healthy smile, between the top of our list of purposes it is: Smile more! And how to get it? Enjoying the small details, taking time for oneself, taking time to pamper and listen; Always keeping in touch with those around us, spending more time with our loved ones and sharing big smiles with friends, family, etc.

We have already been filled with positive energy to embrace the new year. And you?