Hollywood in mourning: At 52 years on Monday, the US actor Luke Perry died of the consequences of a massive stroke. Worldwide, every seventh person dies for over 25 years from a circulatory disorder in the brain. Although there are many signs, the danger is often underestimated and not acted quickly enough.
In Austria, 40 percent of all deaths can be attributed to this disease. “Rapid recognition and intervention, however, could prevent worse and increase the chances of recovery,” said Rotkreuz chief physician Dr. med. Wolfgang Schreiber. For one or more of the following signs call the rescue immediately!
If the face is distorted when trying to smile, this is an indication of a possible hemiplegia.
Ask the person concerned to extend both arms forward and raise them. In case of paralysis this is not possible.
If the person can not repeat a simple sentence correctly, it also indicates an insult.