Now she’s breathless: “A dog, a horse, an idiot …”

Lena Meyer-Landrut is known for her emotional Instagram posts. Now she has vented her anger there. Who speaks to the singer with the clear choice of words?

The singer knows to use Instagram sent. Whether to promote her new song, to address her haters, or to let out emotional lyrics from the depths of her emotional world. Lena Meyer-Landrut (27) obviously does not think only of her own advantage. After separating from her longtime friend Max von Helldorf , she seems to undergo an experimental phase. Are the evil words aimed at him? No, Meyer-Landrut is using their huge Instagram fan base to raise awareness of a much bigger problem.

This topic is important to her

You can see traces of dog paws in the sand. A dog. Then the prints of horse hooves. A horse. And what does a person leave after his beach trip? No, not just his own footprints. Plastic waste. And in huge quantity. An idiot! Since one may rightly resort to such a rough choice of words. Even if the hotel beach seems to be clean: in many places in the morning the cleaning crews roll in to liberate the natural paradises of plastic waste. For many species, garbage can become a deadly trap. We think it’s good that Lena uses her popularity to draw attention to this big problem.

The net is her strongest weapon and her biggest enemy

The net does not always mean it well with Lena. Again and again, you hate in the most extreme way. She has 2.6 million followers on Instagram. As many as no other German singer or influencer. With just 19 years, the Niedersächsin won the Eurovision Song Contest. There followed a long-lasting career. But with her honest and emancipated nature, she also attracts a lot of hate. “F *** you, you stupid bitch”, such horrific comments she finds daily under her pictures. Cyberbullying puts a huge strain on her. “Of course, it does not leave you cold,” she says in the “Spiegel” interview. But she tries to contrast the haters with her positive nature with a sign of strength.