Johnny was called in by his mother

Young Johnny was called in by his mother… “Take the duck to the market and sell it..”, she said.

So, Johnny being a good boy, he grabbed up the duck and headed out to market…

On the way he passed the town brothel and noticed a woman was smoking a cigarette outside a window upstairs…

She yelled down to the young Johnny, ” .why don’t you come up and see me for a while..!?”

So he went up to see her for a while… And after that while she told him that his fee was to give her the duck…

He said okay and gave her the duck…

The prostitute wanted to go again and told Johnny that she would give him the duck back if he complied with her request…

Young Johnny said , “..that’s a deal ma’am..!”

And a deal is a deal… As Johnny’s leaving the whorehouse and crossing the street with the duck in tow, a big truck runs his duck over and kills it…

Young Johnny sitting there just crying when the trucker approaches him and says, “…all I have is a dollar, son, to give you for your duck… I’m so sorry…”

Johnny realize at this point, it was pointless for him to go to the market so he returned home.

When his mother asked him how come he has only $1… Young Johnny explained the situation…

“Well ma, I had to go past the brothel to walk into town to the market when this lady asked me to come up and see her for a while so I got to fu** for a duck, a duck for a fu** and that buck for a fuct up duck…”