I saw a big pair of balls

A man and his trainer are preparing for a Championship Wrestling Match. The trainer tells the man,

” You look lean, you look strong, but whatever you do, don’t let him get you in the pretzel hold.

No one has ever gotten out of the pretzel hold.”

The day of the match arrives, and ten seconds into the match, the man is locked up in a pretzel hold.

The trainer, livid, turns and heads for the locker room. When the bell rings, the trainer glances

over his shoulder, and to his surprise, the referee is holding his fighter’s hand in the air.

Shocked, the trainer runs back into the ring and says, ” What happened?

He had you in the pretzel hold, no one has ever gotten out of the pretzel hold.”

The man replies, ” Well, he had me all twisted up in that hold.

I thought I was done for. But as I was twisted up, legs above my head,

I saw a big pair of balls in my face. You’ll never understand how

much strength you have until you bite yourself in the nuts.”