A man walks into a bar with an orange

A man walks into a bar with an orange for a head. The bartender pours him a drink and says: “So—you want to tell me about it?”

“Well, I was walking on the beach,” says the man with an orange for a head. “I found an old lamp in the sand, and I

picked it up. When I polished the lamp, a genie came out and offered me three wishes in return for setting him free.

Thinking it was some sort of trick, I offhandedly wished for a million dollars. Instantly, my phone rang. A man called

to tell me I’d won a mail-order sweepstakes for exactly a million dollars. Next, I told the genie I I wanted to fall in love

with the most beautiful woman in the world. Just, then, the most beautiful woman I have ever seen came walking

down the beach, strolled straight up to me, wrapped her arms around me and kissed me. I knew I had one more wish,

so I thought long and hard about what my final wish would be. I think this may have been where I messed up.”


“What did you do?” says the bartender.

“I wished to have an orange for a head.”