A man is transporting a coffin when his car breaks down – funny jokes and humor

A man is transporting a coffin when his car breaks down.

He pulls over and after messing about with the engine trying to fix it,

covering himself in oils and grime, he calls for a mechanic,

they tell him they can come in just under an hour to asses the situation.

Dismayed, he also calls his boss to let him know what has happened.

His boss informs him that the destination of delivery is simply up the road and asks him to carry the coffin the rest of the way.

Upset but recognising the fact that he has nothing better to do, he picks up the coffin and starts dragging it with him up the road.

A police officer sees this and approaches him, asking “what are you doing with that coffin?

Where are you going?”.

Already upset with the situation, the man responds,

“I didn’t like where they buried me, so I’m moving!”