The Supermarket Debate

A couple went to the supermarket to do their weekly shopping. As they were wandering the aisles, the wife noticed her husband wandering off into the snack aisle.

She called out, “Honey, we need to stick to our list!”

The husband replied, “Just a minute, dear. I’m looking for something special.” After a few minutes, he emerged with a giant tub of popcorn.

The wife, bemused, asked, “What’s so special about that?”

The husband grinned and said, “I’m trying to decide if I should make this my new go-to snack for movie nights.

” The wife chuckled and said, “Well, if you’re making decisions like this, I suppose I should reconsider our budget for emergency chocolate.”

Later that evening, as they watched a movie with the giant tub of popcorn, the wife teased, “You know, if you keep buying snacks like this,

we’ll have to start a new list for ‘Emergency Gym Memberships!’”