An elderly mother and her young daughter

An elderly mother and her young daughter was walking in front of a temple when the monk happened to spot them.

The daughter was wearing booty shorts and a tank top at the time.

The monk called from the distance and came towards them.

“Child, that’s not an outfit for a young girl”, said the monk.

“Here take this 100$ and buy yourself some nice clothes”,

he said while giving the daughter a 100$ note.

>The next day they were walking the same path again , the mother stopped before they

were in the vicinity of the temple and told her daughter she had a good idea and removed

all her clothes and walked towards the temple buck naked.

As she expected the monk was there and called out to her.

The monk came forward and gave her a 10$ note and smiled.

The mom was infuriated and started shouting,” why does she get a 100$ and I only get 10!”

The monk smiled again and said,

“There’s a barber in the next block, give him the 10$ and shave yourself”.