The wife responds with a grin – funny jokes

A married couple who are professional skydivers decide they want to adopt a child. They visit an adoption agency,

but the social workers there are hesitant about the idea. The couple explains that they live in a spacious,

modern house with a fully equipped playroom and a large, secure backyard for the child to play in.

The social workers are impressed but still concerned about the child’s education.

The wife assures them, “We’ve hired a private tutor who specializes in all core subjects,

plus extra lessons in Spanish, coding, and music.”

The social workers then worry about the child’s safety given the couple’s extreme lifestyle.

The husband smiles and says, “Oh, don’t worry, our family physician is on call 24/7, and we have

top-of-the-line safety gear for everything.”

Finally, the social workers ask, “What age are you looking to adopt?”

The wife responds with a grin, “We’re not too picky,

just as long as the kid fits in the parachute harness!”