In China, tourists take a broth in the fondue

In China, a hotel tries to attract tourists by offering them to take their traditional thermal bath in a basin-shaped fondue … fondue Chinese.

By dipping in the middle of peppers, mushrooms and other ingredients of this convivial dish, appreciated by gourmands in winter.

Fondue, a classic of Chinese cuisine, is usually eaten with friends or family. It consists of cooking pieces of meat, fish, offal, or vegetables by boiling them in a large single container filled with broth – often spicy.

Guests of the First World Hotel, located in the big metropolis of Hangzhou, are invited to immerse themselves in a hot water pool imitating a traditional pot, divided into nine compartments. In each of them, float real peppers, ears of corn or lettuce.

Hot springs outdoors are very popular in China, Japan and Korea, where many luxury hotels offer them, whether in the city or in rural areas, especially in mountainous areas.

According to the Chinese news website, the unusual installation of the hotel aims to promote hot baths and their health benefits, as the Chinese New Year begins on February 5th.