Emotional baby confession

RTL presenter Sandra Kuhn is now the proud mother of a five-month-old daughter. But until it came, it was a long way off, as she now revealed

Five months have passed since the “Explosive” host Sandra Kuhn , 37, became a mother for the first time . Sandra was already 36 years old, no problem at all, but for a long time she wanted to have offspring with her husband Kristof Kuhn . But that was exactly what did not work out in the beginning, as she revealed in an interview with RTL.

Sandra Kuhn could not believe it

Sandra just does not get pregnant, she even goes to see a doctor. He can not find any physical reasons for her or her husband and explains to the love-pair that sometimes it simply does not work for no reason. Not an easy situation for Sandra: “What was really bad for me was always the whole women around me who said ‘Oh, I’m pregnant’ and ‘Oh, I’m getting the second, third, fourth child’, or ‘Ne, we only had love once’, and that was always the case: it does not exist! ” Sandra is desperate, so much so that she and her husband finally think about alternatives like adoption.

Finally it works

But how is life in such a way is: As Sandra and Kristof no more stress and nearly complete the natural way to get offspring, it worked. Sandra gets pregnant.

But when she thinks, now everything is going to be all right, things get even worse : In the 29th week of pregnancy Sandra’s baby is diagnosed with abnormalities in the brain. For a week, the presenter has to wait for the result of the examinations. Then the relief: your baby is healthy. About her little daughter Leni Sandra says today: “She is a cheerful nature, that’s so nice to see that she’s always in a good mood.”