Recipe of Korean Kimchi

Add Taste to Your Foods with These Healthy Hummus Variations

Ingredients of the Hummus Classic

4 cups of water
4 tablespoons of sea salt
1 whole cabbage , grated
1 cup radish Japanese daikon, grated or 1 cup asparagus cut into 1 – inch pieces.
2 chopped onions
1 garlic cloves , ground
2 tablespoons fresh ginger , ground
1/2 teaspoon of cayenne pepper


In a large bowl, pickle with water and salt. Mix well until the salt dissolves completely. Add the cabbage and the radish. Cover with a plate or some other weight to keep the vegetables submerged. Soak for 12 hours.
Drain the water from the vegetables, save the brine. Try the salty vegetables. If they are very salty, you can wash them. If they are not salty enough, sprinkle a little more salt (a quarter of a teaspoon at a time).
Combine the asparagus, green beans, chives, garlic, ginger and cayenne pepper. Add them to the cabbage mixture.
Put all the mixture in a jar or jar. Pour the marinade and make sure the mixture is completely submerged in it.
Cover with a clean cloth and let stand for 3 to 7 days. The ideal temperature of the room to help the fermentation is around 70 degrees Fahrenheit. If it is colder, the fermentation will take more time.
Check the kimchi daily. Make sure the vegetables are covered with pickle. After 3 to 7 days, the kimchi will have a fermented taste. Once this happens put the jar in the refrigerator. It will be maintained for months.