The best home remedy for colds or injuries

These foods help with minor injuries and colds

For some complaints or injuries, the domestic refrigerator can serve as a substitute for a pharmacy.

It does not always have to be the same to go to the pharmacy if you have injured yourself or you are suffering from a cold . Sometimes that’s enough for what you have in the kitchen.

In autumn or winter, many are plagued by an unpleasant  cold . But with a scratchy neck or a dripping nose you do not have to go directly to the pharmacy , because even at home there are many foods that can provide a little relief. 

One wrong step, one fall, and she’s there: a painful bruise on her arm. Or you were just too long in the sun, without adequate protection, and now you feel how the skin is stretched and reddened.

The pharmacy certainly has a drug ready for many symptoms. But just have a look in your pantry before you get there. There are guaranteed to be a few remedies for treating minor injuries as well. In our picture show we tell you the best home remedies for colds or injuries.