Secure the windows now for your little kids!

Secure the windows now for your little kids!

Provide early spring protection with appropriate security measures to prevent falls of young children and thus avoid unnecessary suffering.

As temperatures rise, the risk of children falling out of the lintel increases. Experts therefore strongly advise to take appropriate precautions these days. In addition, they appeal, the little ones never leave the window open. Every 4 weeks falls in Austria, a sprout out of the window! Bruises and fractures up to life-threatening injuries of the head, spine or organs are the worst consequences. Therefore, with the beginning of the warmer time, retrofit windows and balcony doors with child safety locks! Pay attention here to age, because some products can be “cracked” with increasing maturity of the little explorers. Most effective are lockable handles. Keep the keys for extra. Cat and fly screens provide no protection.

What many guardians “forget” over and over again: When leaving the room do not leave. “Three quarters of the lintels occur during the presence of others in the household. Just a moment of distraction is enough, “warns Dr. Othmar Tann, Kuratorium für Verkehrssicherheit (KFV).