Cold Brew Coffee: This has the summer to drink on himself

Cold Brew Coffee penetrating all cafés in German city centers. What behind the in-drink infected and how to cook it.

Who L*st gets a caffeine kick in the summer, knows the problem: The obligatory cappuccino is too h#t, the Frappuccino (usually with whipped cream and chocolate sauce garnished) a sweet calorie bomb. But more often praise coffeeshops on their boards a tasty alternative to Cold Brew Coffee. What about the drink to?

The preparation

Unlike ordinary filter coffee is for the production of Cold Brew Coffee not h#t, but cold water is used. In addition, the allowed coffee for this method will not be too fine, but rather have a rough freeness. Here’s how: Enter the freshly ground coffee in a weithalsiges vessel (or equal in a French press) and pour the cold water to. In 250 g of coffee takes one liter of water. Then stir the mixture with plastic wrap covered at room temperature can be drawn for twelve hours. Subsequently, the whole is filtered, for example by means of a fine sieve, a paper filter or a cotton cloth. Finish the coffee concentrate! In the refrigerator the beverage kept hermetically sealed about two to three weeks.


Usually Cold Brew Coffee is only served with ice cubes. Who is not quite so purist like but can refine with almond milk or replace the ice with a scoop of vanilla ice him. At parties, the cold drink is well connected with liqueur 43 or Baileys . It may sound unusual: 50 ml Cold Brew Coffee with 100 ml tonic water mixed results in a refreshing summer drink. Slimmers can of coffee , pasture butter (contains more vitamins and healthier fatty acids than ordinary butter) and coconut oil mix one “Bulletproof Coffee” – is to fill you up long and promote fat loss.

Therefore you should try Cold Brew

Coffee without milk and sugar is perhaps not for everyone. But: The cold extraction only about 15% of the bitter and acid substances are added. Therefore Cold Brew Coffee is milder, easier to digest, especially the stomach. In addition, it contains as much caffeine as h#t brewed coffee .