Category: Health

What helps against inflamed joints

What helps against inflamed joints

Inflamed joints are a torment: If any movement hurts, sufferers seek desperate help. But how can the symptoms be alleviated and other treatment measures effectively supplemented? In addition to the use of painkillers and various doctor-prescribed therapies, there are a number of other recommendations that can help with inflammation in […]

WHO concerned about youth -Tempted online advertising to unhealthy behavior?

WHO concerned about youth -Tempted online advertising to unhealthy behavior?

Chat, follow celebrities, use social media: Children and adolescents are increasingly traveling online, being bombarded with advertisements that can endanger their health. The World Health Organization (WHO) warns against that. Governments needed better usage data to better regulate this advertising world to protect children, the WHO European Region said on […]

Recognizing stroke helps save lives

Recognizing stroke helps save lives

Hollywood in mourning: At 52 years on Monday, the US actor Luke Perry died of the consequences of a massive stroke. Worldwide, every seventh person dies for over 25 years from a circulatory disorder in the brain. Although there are many signs, the danger is often underestimated and not acted […]

Secure the windows now for your little kids!

Secure the windows now for your little kids!

Provide early spring protection with appropriate security measures to prevent falls of young children and thus avoid unnecessary suffering. As temperatures rise, the risk of children falling out of the lintel increases. Experts therefore strongly advise to take appropriate precautions these days. In addition, they appeal, the little ones never […]

When parents do not know what to do anymore

When parents do not know what to do anymore

They scream 14 hours a day, refuse to eat, scratch themselves bloody or sleep through the night: the little patients in the movie “Parents School” drive their parents to despair. A radical therapy promises improvement. The mother is obviously desperate. Pale, tired and angry, she sits on the couch. If […]